Let's explore the energetic properties of various substances such as Orgonite, Shungite, Black Tourmaline, and Selenite using Dicyanin Aura Goggles. The results offer visual evidence of energy plumes, with Orgonite and Selenite showing significant energy emissions, while Black Tourmaline and Shungite fall short. Historical references to Dr. Wilhelm Reich and Baron Karl von Reichenbach's research are discussed to contextualize the findings.
Many of you have asked me to test things like Orgonite, Shungite, and Black Tourmaline for their energetic properties. And you'll be amazed what they look like through our Dicyanin Aura Goggles, so let's take a look.
We start with the most interesting, an Orgonite Pyramid. And you can see for yourself the plume of energy coming out of the peak. This is no great surprise. Orgonite is based off the work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich and his work on Orgone Energy. And this is meant to accumulate that energy and focus it out the top. It seems to be doing exactly what it claims. And for all the skeptics, here is the photo forensics analysis, showing that there's been no alterations to the picture. It is what it is. Reich was right. Deal with it.

We move on to Black Tourmaline, which is much touted for its supposed energetic properties and its ability to repel negative energies. But as we can see here, the results are pretty surprising. There's not much going on at all.
Next up was my favorite, Selenite. Take a look at this. Not only is there a very pronounced plume coming out of the end, there's a halo around the center of the crystal, which is also quite visible on the forensics. Very cool.

The next is something that's pretty trendy these days, and also touted for its supposed energetic properties. Shungite! More like Shung no. This one was disappointing as well.
What you're seeing here matches perfectly with the research of Baron Karl von Reichenbach, who did research into this vital force over 150 years ago. He did these researches in his castle, by blacking out the windows, and bringing in people who were energetically sensitive, and seeing what they reported when they looked at various substances.
So what would you like to see tested next? Drop me a comment and let me know.