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The Real Secret Project to Create Fake UFO Drones

The real secret project to create fake ufo drones

If all the fuckery with the drones in New Jersey has you dazed and confused just realize the US government has had programs to create fake UFO drones for over 50 years.

The Project Skylite Papers Can Be Downloaded Here

Did you know that the government had a program to create fake, disappearing UFOs over 50 years ago? And the only orbs faker than that are right here. In my video about Chan Thomas and the Adam and Eve story, I showed you that he worked for Douglas Aircraft, in a special department called the Advanced Concepts Division, which was their version of the X Files.

Bob Wood, who ran this division, had an article in the October 2008 MUFON Journal In the article, Wood goes over the various activities that were undertaken by the group. But at the end of the article, he states something very curious, that the only interest they ever had from the government was in 1970, when there was quote, interest expressed by one of the intelligence agencies.

This resulted in a draft proposal to mimic, imitate, or duplicate the observables associated with UFOs. He continues that they called the project Project Skylite and prepared a good deal of technical information in anticipation of contract work, though he states that it never materialized within McDonnell Douglas to his knowledge.

The real secret project to create fake ufo drones
The Project Skylite Orbs, metallic orbs (with gases for lift) surrounded by a transparent bag of plasmic gases (for EM and other fuckery phenomena)

But that's not entirely true. Documents from Project Skylite have been found, and we do know what they were trying to accomplish in simulating UFOs. So let's take a look. In this original document, we see that they were trying to simulate UFO observables with the illusion of physical objects in three dimensional space.

They wanted them to be sensed by visual, acoustical, photographic, radio, and other electromagnetic instrumentation. Be large, very light, transparent bags inflatable with ionizable combustible gases, spherical or saucer shaped. And that these bags should be constructed of highly combustible materials, so they can completely vaporize or disintegrate when they want them to.

They wanted these fake crafts to emit lights and sounds, but also the odor of something otherworldly, as well as the magnetic effects that we see with things like cars turning off, etc. This should strike you as quite odd, and we need to look very rationally at what was being asked for here. These were not craft that were designed to move fast to travel into enemy territory and do surveillance.

The real secret project to create fake ufo drones
Skylite electronic and mechanical systems to create "simulated UFO observables". Yes, it actually fucking says that.

There was no instrumentation on these craft to do that. They were just balloons that were meant to look a certain way, to be put into the sky, to give off light, a sound to disorient somebody, an otherworldly stench, solely to screw with the observer and make them think they were witnessing an alien craft.

And then after the psychological screwjob on The Witness is complete, it was designed to just poof, disappear. To burn itself up with flammable gas and combustible materials. Supposed alien craft just blinking out of existence happens all the time in UFO and abduction lore. It's become ubiquitous. So ask yourself, Why would intelligence agencies, who have so many means, satellites and planes and all kinds of ways to surveil enemies and mess with them and go to war with an enemy, why would they require something whose sole purpose is to screw with you, is to make people think that aliens actually exist?

What kind of operation could possibly require that? Now, that's not the end of the story. After these documents, it all goes quiet for about 20 years. And then Project Skylite shows up once again. And this time, it's even more concerning. In 1987, we see the project name Skylite pop up once again, this time in a master's thesis from the Naval Postgraduate School.

And this thesis appears to be outlining a new experimental satellite configuration for use with the Xtent Project Skylite. It's attempting to find compensating techniques designed to reduce laser wave front distortion caused by the atmosphere. The satellite will measure and downlink the propagated beam irradiance of the Mid IR Advanced Chemical Laser, Miracle, based at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

Now, maybe it's nothing, but I find it a little iffy that here we have the same project name as the project to fake UFOs, and they're talking about a new type of satellite to bounce a laser off the atmosphere, and it's only an IR laser, which some UFOs can only be seen in the infrared spectrum. Now, ooh, maybe there's something to that.

Maybe we should look at it. I don't know. I'm just a guy on the internet. So there you have it. A lot of people have brought up Project Bluebeam in my comments, and that's been floating around the conspiracy community for over 20 years. It originally came from a guy named Serge Monast, who died shortly after he brought that information out.

He was a French Canadian investigative journalist, supposedly. Now, I've never been able to verify his original source for that information, so I can't tell you how true it is, but we do have proof. that the idea to use fake UFOs for psychological operations has been in play for over 50 years, and here's proof of it.

And we also have proof of the existence of a space based, satellite based, laser program that has the same name. So I'll ask you this. If these technologies have existed for over 50 years and such thought has been put into faking these experiences, how can we believe anything that's coming out right now?

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